RandomEarth 戰略佈局與NFT的應用思考|Terra 生態系

在去中心化金融(Defi)的發展下,NFT在其中逐漸佔據了一個重要的角色。不過一旦回顧現有生態環境中,會發現到其基礎建設的不足。舉例來說,現有的AMM(做市商)並沒有提供NFT的現價交易(Limited trading)選擇。
RandomEarth希望能夠提供市場一個去中心化的解決方案,讓Terra上的用戶能夠交易任何的鏈上資產,從UST到Galatic punk 都包含。這其中就包含了各種類的產品,目前能看到的就是NFT的應用。
更進階的,項目方可以在RandomEarth提供的基礎建設上去執行自己的專案,像是 PRISM。


  • 支援 fractional NFTs (應該翻作碎片化NFT,就是一個NFT可以再切為多個擁有者)
  • un-collateralised bidding(這個不清楚麼翻譯)
  • arbitrary asset auctions(任意資產拍賣?實際意義需要考證)

F-NFTs:Fractional non-fungible tokens 定義


RandomEarth 目前做拍賣交易的方法(un-collateralised bidding)

拍賣交易會有許多的出價過程。舉例來說,我出 1 ETH 買沒有掛牌的 A杰倫熊,這時候A杰倫熊的錢包擁有者就會收到一個出價通知,該A杰倫熊的錢包主人自行判定要不要賣掉,要賣的話只要通過驗證之後,所有權就可以移交。

arbitrary asset auctions

舉例來說,用 aUST 當作交易的資產(貨幣),這樣使用者就能夠在賺取 Anchor 利息的前提下,不用從Anchor調取資金,就能夠完成交易。


只要在RandomEarth 下的交易,可以比AMM節省一半以上的 gas fee。能夠達成這樣的優化,是因為數據儲存不上鏈,會儲存在中央化伺服器,再完美情況下,使用者可以不用支付任何的gas fee。(但是調用智慧合約&授權還是要Gas fee喔~)

RandomEarth 對於IP方的SaaS支援服務


RandomEarth 的Social log in 計畫

RandomEarth預計在未來會提供Social login 的服務,像是運用Facebook/Google的社交媒體的第三方登入授權,讓現有Web 2.0的使用這能夠無痛使用,並透過Terra wallet address 的綁定,讓所有區塊鏈相關的服務都在後端完成。

RandomEarth 認為在未來 NFT會成為提高互動率的工具。

反過來想,這種服務一旦普及,區塊鏈的匿名性絕對是個笑話 XDDD

因為當完全加密的時候,你的KYC、AMM 在被監管的金融單位中,會立刻跳起紅燈。不信你去銀行說你在玩虛擬貨幣,而且只玩Monero, Zcash, SCRT等,但銀行敢不敢服務你 XDDDDD

RandomEarth 認為未來的NFT必須跨鏈


RandomEarth 認為未來的交易必須有法幣的形式



  • PRISM 是什麼部分建立在RandomEarth 之上的?
  • F-NFTs 的使用案例
  • RandomEarth 的拍賣競價方式,其實與Opensea的操作邏輯相同,兩者之間的差異或許值得研究。
  • RandomEarth 的拍賣競價方式提到資料不儲存在鏈上,原文指出可以儲存在Anchor protocol上面,這邊的含義還待調查
  • 依照RandomEarth 所提供的資料,其實已經內涵以太 L2 的邏輯,但是差異在哪兒?
  • RandomEarth的SaaS服務的合作結構為何?
  • RandomEarth未來的資料庫設計一定會有朝向CDP(Customer data platform)發展的趨勢,這值得觀察。
  • RandomEarth如果能夠讓所有的區塊鏈運作,都在後端處理完成,某方面來說就是另外一套Social ID體系,而且是能夠掌握消費資料的資料庫體系。這對於電商、品牌商的發展是很有想像空間的。


  1. As the Defi market develops, NFTs begin to play an increasingly more important role in the ecosystem. However, the existing environment for NFTs has many problems. For instance, existing AMMs often offer limited trading options concerning non-fungible assets!
  2. @randomearth_io aims to change that by bringing decentralised limit order books to @terra_money and allowing users to trade anything from $UST to Galactic Punks NFTs.
  3. @randomearth_io will support various products, including Galactic Punks NFTs and @Levana_protocol’s Evolutionary NFTs. Projects can also build on top of their infrastructure. Examples of projects powered by Random Earth include @sig_finance and @prism_protocol.
  4. Building a marketplace on top of @randomearth_io’s core infrastructure has many advantages: it supports fractional #NFTs, un-collateralised bidding, arbitrary asset auctions, etc.
  5. Fractional non-fungible tokens (F-NFTs) are the newest craze of the crypto art world. They democratise owning a unique piece of art by allowing anyone to own a smaller piece of it.
  6. @randomearth_io bids are stored off-chain (e.g., on @anchor_protocol), and as a result, one can broadcast only their intention to purchase an NFT (with no gas cost). Assets need only to be deposited into Random Earth at the settlement date when an auction closes.
  7. @randomearth_io offers Arbitrary Asset Auctions. It allows users to place orders in whatever units they desire. For instance, someone can bid in \(aUST. Thus \)UST never has to leave @anchor_protocol even at settlement.
  8. Executing orders on @randomearth_io costs half as much gas as swapping on traditional AMMs. Furthermore, since orders are generated and stored off-chain, users can expect auctions to cost no gas at all.
  9. The most valuable NFTs will be backed by solid intellectual property (like NBA Top Shots or celebrity fan NFTs). @randomearth_io is building partnerships with artists, entertainers, and content creators to launch IP-backed NFTs on their platform.
  10. @randomearth_io’s NFT Marketplace will offer first-class login support through Google/Facebook/Twitter OAuth, while Terra wallets are generated behind the scenes. This way, anybody (even a person with no crypto experience) can engage with content on their platform.
  11. On @randomearth_io, NFTs will be used primarily to foster fan engagement. We expect creators to want to build long-term relationships with their fans beyond the initial NFT sale. Hence, they intend to build Random Earth into a social platform with gamification via NFT rewards
  12. @randomearth_io plans to utilise @wormholecrypto’s cross-chain bridge to purchase and transfer NFTs across multiple blockchains, including Terra, Ethereum, Solana, and Binance Smart Chain.
  13. @randomearth_io also plans to integrate with vendors to enable fiat payments on their platform. Hence, cash can be used to purchase NFTs, and if one chooses, he or she will not need a crypto wallet to hold their assets.





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2022.02.19 文章發布